Sample PMT Code
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace SamplePMT
/// <summary> // XML tag for documentation not covered
/ Summary description for BinaryOperations.
/// </summary>
public class BinaryOperations
public BinaryOperations()
static void Main()
StreamReader FileReader;
FileReader = new StreamReader("input.txt");
/ StreamReader is a stream class for
/ text input from a file p.760/2
string sLine;
string [] split; // string array declared
string b1, b2;
char delm = ' ';
// Delimiter delm declared and initialized to
int inputLines = Int32.Parse(FileReader.ReadLine());
// Declare inputLines and initialize it to the read
// value FileReader.ReadLine(), that is, to the value
// read from the first line of the file (5 in the
// sample input.
// For Int32.Parse see p.75/-2.
for (int i=0; i<inputLines; i++)
//go over all remaining lines of text input file
sLine = FileReader.ReadLine(); // Read line of text
split = sLine.Split(delm);
// Split sLine using delimiter; this gives:
// & or | in split[0],
// 1st binary number in split[1], and
// 2nd binary in split[2];
char [] result= new char[split[1].Length];
// Declare a character array and initialize
// it to the length of the split array
// (e.g., length 2 for 10 in the 2nd and
// 3rd lines of the sample input)
b1 = split[1]; // 1st binary number
b2 = split[2]; // 2nd binary number
if (split[0] == "&") // apply bit-wise & operation
for(int j =0; j<split[1].Length; j++)
// for each position j of b1 and b2
// perform bitwise & operation
if ((b1[j] == '1') & (b2[j] =='1'))
result[j] = '1';
result[j] ='0';
else // apply bit-wise | operation
for(int j =0; j<split[1].Length; j++)
// for each position j of b1 and b2
// perform bitwise & operation
if ((b1[j] == '0') & (b2[j] =='0'))
result[j] = '0';
result[j] ='1';
Console.Write(b1 + " " +
split[0] + " " +
b2 + " = ");
// Output:
// 1st binary number and a space,
// the operator (in split[0]) and a space,
// the 2nd binary number and ' = ' (includes 2
// spaces).
// The decimal equivalent of the result still
// not displayed.
//convert binary result result to decimal
double decValue=0;
for(int j =0; j<result.Length; j++)
int k = Int32.Parse(result[j].ToString());
// Array element result[j] stores (j+1)-st
// digit of binary result (e.g., result[0]
// stores 1st digit of binary result).
// Convert result[j] to string, then
// convert string to integer.
// E.g., a binary char 1 becomes
// a string 1, and then an integer 1.
double p = Math.Pow(2.0,(result.Length)-j-1);
// Calculate what is the power to which 2
// should be raised.
// Follow step-by-step to understand this.
decValue += k * p;
// Now the decimal equivalent of the result (not
// dispalayed above) is displayed.
} // end for
} // end of Main
} // of public class BinaryOperations
} // end of namespace SamplePMT