The First
International Workshop on Specialized Ad Hoc
Networks and Systems (SAHNS 2007) Friday, June 29,
2007 |
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Workshop ProgramWorkshop
Schedule 09:00 -
09:15 Opening Remarks 09:15 - 10:15 Session 1 (4 short
papers): Miscellaneous Specialized
Solutions for Ad Hoc Networks 10:15 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 11:40 Keynote Address: Controlled Store-Carry-Forward
Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Prof.
Jie Wu, Distinguished Research Professor, Florida Atlantic University; and
Program Director, National Science Foundation 11:40 - 12:30 Session 2 (2 papers):
Specialized Solutions for Ad Hoc Communications 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
Break 14:00 -
15:15 Session 3 (3 papers):
Specialized Solutions for MANETs 15:15 - 15:45 Break
15:45 - 17:00 Session 4 (3 papers):
Specialized Solutions for VANETs and Opportunistic Networking 17:00 -
17:45 Panel: “Do
we need specialized ad hoc networks and systems?” 17:45 - 18:00 Closing Remarks Workshop Program Session 1 (Short Papers): Miscellaneous
Specialized Solutions for Ad Hoc Networks Session Chair: Bharat Bhargava, EPMPLCS: An Efficient Power Management Protocol with Limited Cluster Size for Wireless Sensor Networks Amir Sepasi Zahmati, Nadieh M. Moghadam, and Bahman Abolhassani Security Solution for Data Integrity in Wireless BioSensor Networks Vidya Bharrgavi Balasubramanyn, Geethapriya Thamilarasu, and Ramalingam Sridhar University at Measurements for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks in Motorway Environments R. A. Santos,1 L. Villaseñor,2 J. R. Gallardo,2 and A. Edwards1 1 University of Colima and 2 CICESE Research Center, Influence of Bit-Error Rate on the Throughput of STDMA Ad-hoc
Network Wu Huafeng,1 Yu Bo,2 Chen
Haiguang,1 and Gao Chuanshan1 1 Fudan University, Keynote Address
Controlled Store-Carry-Forward Routing in Jie Wu Distinguished
Research Professor, Program Director, National Science Foundation Abstract: In terms of handling node mobility in various mobile networks, two schools exist. The traditional connection-based model is built on the premise that the underlying network is connected, and views node mobility as undesirable. The mobility-assisted model considers mobility as a desirable feature, where routing is based on the store-carry-forward paradigm with random or controlled movement of mobile nodes. We consider the use of node mobility to enhance routing capability in a mobile network. A dual control planes model is presented, which includes the traditional stationary-plane for routing among stationary nodes using connection-based message routing. In addition, a new control plane, mobile-plane, is used for trajectory control of mobile nodes. We then look at several models for loosely controlled movement of mobile nodes to assist routing. Finally, we offer some potential application areas of this model. Bio: Jie Wu is a
Distinguished Research Professor at the Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Session 2: Specialized Solutions for Ad
Hoc Communications Session Chair: Ramalingam Sridhar, University at
The State Adaptive Frequency Synchronization for Collaborative Communication Systems Peter A. Parker,1 Daniel W. Bliss,1 Patrick Mitran,2 and Vahid Tarokh2 1 MIT Performance Bounds for Bi-Directional Coded Cooperation Protocols Sang Joon Kim, Patrick Mitran, and Vahid Tarokh Session 3: Specialized Solutions for
MANETs Session Chair: Patrick Mitran,
and A New TCP Congestion Control Mechanism over
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks by Router-Assisted Approach Yao-Nan Lien and Ho-Cheng Hsiao A Data Sharing Facility for Thomas Plagemann,1
Ellen Munthe-Kaas,1 Katrine S. Skjelsvik,1
Matija Puzar,1 Vera Goebel,1 Ulrik Johansen,2
Joe Gorman,2 and 1 University
of A Cooperative Approach for Analyzing
Intrusions in H. Otrok, M. Debbabi, C. Assi, and P. Bhattacharya Session 4: Specialized Solutions for
VANETs and Opportunistic Networking Session Chair: Thomas Plagemann, Simulation and Analysis of Extended Brake Lights for Inter-Vehicle Communication Networks Jason D. Watson, Mark Pellerito, Charlie Gladden, and Huirong Fu A Self-Organizing MAC Protocol for DSRC based Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Fan Yu and Subir Biswas Architecture for Supporting Real Time Traffic in Large Scale Wireless Networks Liang Song and Dimitrios Hatzinakos Panel: “Do we need specialized ad
hoc networks and systems?” Rather than concentrating on general ad hoc networks and systems (GAHNS) that have to provide one-size-fits-all basis for all kinds of applications, this workshop proposes to focus on a variety of specialized ad hoc networks and systems (SAHNS), each suitable as a foundation for a restricted class of applications or even for an individual application. It is expected that SAHNS, thanks to exploiting salient features of their application areas, will result in overcoming barriers that make GAHNS-based solutions technically infeasible or inefficient. The panelists can argue for or against research on specialized ad hoc networks and systems designed to facilitate development of specific application classes or applications. The panelists will be asked to illustrate their presentations and arguments with prominent examples of SAHNS-based or GAHNS-based application classes or applications. Panelists: Bharat Bhargava, Thomas Plagemann, Atul Prakash, Isaac
Woungang, Panel
Organizer and Moderator: For further information, please contact the workshop chair. |
Sponsors |
Sponsored by The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing |
Last update on June 7, 2007 |