CS 5950 - 6030 (Summer II 2023)




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Assignment 1 (due: 07/10/23). Abstract for presentation topic
- Quantum CS book Ch. 4 ...
- QCEngine book Ch. 3 ...
- IBM book Ch. 4 ...
Choose earlier rather than later chapter.

Assignment 2 (due: 07/24/23). Abstract for presentation topic
- Quantum CS book Ch. 5: 5.2-3-4; Ch. 6: 6.1-2-3-4-5 (Shor, focusing on the quantum part of the algorithm)
- QCEngine book Ch. 3, Ch. 5 and following
- IBM book Ch. 5 and following
You may combine chapters on similar topics from the different books.
You may combine content from the texts with a research paper.
Presentations should be at least 30-40 minutes.
Presentations will be scheduled 7/26, 7/31, 8/2.


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