CS 6250 (Spring 2023)




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Assignment 1 (due: 01/25/23).
A. Advanced architectures - supercomputers

  • Comment on the Exascale breakthrough (1/2 - 2/3 page).
  • Describe the current top 5 of the [ TOP500 ] (write 1/2 page for each system). You are encouraged to look up information also at other sites and familiarize yourself with the architectures.
  • Describe the measures used in the linpack benchmark for the TOP500 classification, the HPCG benchmark, and the measures for the GREEN500 classification.
B. Review questions I, Dumas text (one to a few sentences per answer). ##1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15

Assignment 2 (due: 02/13/23).
Presentation slides, questions.

Assignment 3 (due: 02/18/23).
Select research paper for second presentation.

Assignment 4 (due: 03/01/23).
Review questions II, Dumas text ##2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 16

Assignment 5 (due starting: 03/15/23).
Presentation research paper, slides, questions


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